10 Useful Termination Letter Samples

From an employment perspective, a termination letter is a letter that an employer gives to its employee so as to officially remove him/her from his/her employment with the organization. A termination letter includes all the important details relevant to the termination of employment of an employee like the date of the employee’s termination and the reason or reasons for any such termination. A termination letter is also known as a notice of termination or a letter of dismissal.

A termination letter is very important as it indicates the professionalism of the organization. In large companies, you can not just fire someone only by a word of mouth. You have to do it officially and formally and for that purpose, a termination letter is written. However, a termination letter can also be used in many other situations like terminating the services of an attorney, termination of services from a service provider or lease termination, etc.

In this article, you can find below 9+ different sample termination letters that can be written for different situations. Each of the sample termination letters indicates a different situation for which any such letter can be written. You can check out these sample letters and download and further edit them too according to your requirement.

Check Out the Given Below Termination Letter Samples

Attorney Termination Letter


[Name of Recipient] [Address of Recipient]


Subject: Attorney Termination Letter

Dear Mr./Mrs. [name of Recipient],

I am writing this letter to formally inform you that I am terminating your professional services as my legal representative from [mention date of termination]. I am afraid I had to take this decision because [state the reason(s) for termination].

As of the above-mentioned date, you will not be allowed to send and receive any documents or demands on my behalf. So, please do not take any further action on my behalf.

As I have arranged for an alternate legal counsel, I expect from you that you will fully cooperate with them in case any information or document is requested from you on my behalf.

You can always contact me for any further details or queries.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Address] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 15 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Bank Account Termination Letter


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Bank Name]


Subject: Bank Account Termination Letter

Dear Mr./Mrs. [name of Recipient],

This is to inform you that I will be terminating my bank account with your bank, with the account title [mention your Account Title] and account number [mention your account number].

As I am moving to another state, that’s why I request you to please terminate this bank account and cease all the transactions or movements from this account.

For any queries, make sure to contact me through the given below details.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Address] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 15 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Employment Termination Letter


[Name of Recipient] [Address of Recipient]


Subject: Employment Termination Letter

Dear Mr./Mrs. [name of Recipient],

I am sorry to formally inform you that your employment with the [name of Company] will be terminated as on [mention date]. From this date, your employment as [mention Job Title] with the company will come to an end.

As you are aware of the fact that all of the employees at [mention Company name] work as a team and the poor performance of a single person leads to the inefficiency of the team and as a result, of the organization. At the [name of the meeting] meeting, I warned you for the very last time that if you will not improve your performance, it would cause you a termination of your employment. Nothing personal against you, but I am afraid I had to take this decision as a result of your non-professional behavior and poor performance.

You are advised to settle all your matters with the company on or before [mention date of termination]. Furthermore, you are also requested to return all the properties of the company that you currently have in your possession.

For further details, feel free to contact us through the given below details. Best of luck for your future.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Designation] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 16 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Insurance Termination Letter


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Name of the Company]


Subject: Insurance Termination Letter

Dear Mr./Mrs. [name of Recipient],

I am writing this letter to formally request you to terminate the insurance for policy number, [mention insurance policy number], with immediate effect. [You can also state the reason(s) of any such termination].

Please make sure to cancel this insurance policy and confirm to me in writing that this has been done and send me any refund due.

I am hopeful that you will take this matter into your consideration and try to resolve it as soon as possible.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Address] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 15 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Internet Service Termination Letter


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Name of the Company]


Subject: Internet Service Termination Letter

Dear Mr./Mrs. [name of Recipient],

I am writing this letter to formally inform you that I will no longer be requiring your internet services and therefore, I would request a permanent termination of my subscription under my account number [mention account number].

I feel very disappointed to say that the services that I am getting right now from your company are not even close to those that you actually promised to provide. I had filed many complaints about the poor and unstable internet connection but no action was even taken to resolve this problem. Therefore, I have finally decided to terminate my subscription to your internet services.

I have already cleared all of my dues and I hope that you will take immediate action in this matter. For any queries or further details, feel free to make contact.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Address] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 16 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Lease Termination Letter


[Name of Recipient] [Address of Recipient]


Subject: Lease Termination Letter

Dear Mr./Mrs. [name of Recipient],

I am writing this letter to inform you that the lease for [mention the details of lease] signed on [mention date of signing of the lease], terminating on [mention the date of termination], will not be renewed. Please find attached to this letter the copy of the original lease agreement.

Please make sure to inform me about your future mailing address so that I can return your security deposit easily. Thanks a lot for being such a reliable tenant. Feel free to contact me for any further details or queries.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Address] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 15 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Partnership Termination Letter


[Name of Recipient] [Address of Recipient]


Subject: Partnership Termination Letter

Dear Mr./Mrs. [name of Recipient],

This is to inform you that I am going to terminate the business partnership that we entered into on [mention date of formation of partnership], formed by the name of, [mention name of the partnership business or firm].

As per our partnership deed, both of us had to take an active part in this partnership besides sharing equal profits and losses. But since the formation of the firm, I have not seen active participation in the business from your side. I have verbally communicated this to you many times before but you did not pay any attention to that.

Even when there were some instances where the business required excess capital, I had to provide that excess capital all alone. So, it is getting quite difficult for me to manage the business all on my own and therefore I have decided to end this partnership business. As per the partnership deed after the termination, the amount that will be received by the sale of assets will be shared equally among us.

Feel free to contact me for any queries or details.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Address] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 16 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Termination Letter to a Board Member


[Name of Recipient] [Address of Recipient]


Subject: Termination Letter to a Board Member

Dear Mr./Mrs. [name of Recipient],

I am writing this letter to inform you that as per [mention the legal section and act or ordinance’s name], the Board of Directors of [mention Company name] has voted to terminate your appointment as a member of the Board of Directors of [mention Company name].

This action of the Board of Directors is taken by means of a resolution passed by voting at the meeting held on [mention date of the meeting]. Please find attached to this letter a sealed copy of the original resolution.

For any queries or further details, feel free to make contact.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Designation] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 15 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Termination Letter to Contractor due to Poor Performance


[Name of Recipient] [Address of Recipient]


Subject: Termination Letter to Contractor due to Poor Performance

Dear Mr./Mrs. [name of Recipient],

This is to inform you that we are terminating the contract formed between your company, [name of the Recipient’s Company], and our company, [name of Sender’s Company]. The contract was originally entered into between both the parties as on [mention date of formation of contract].

As per the contract, you had to complete the woodwork in our office within one month. It has already taken you more than two months and the work is still incomplete. Furthermore, it is not the quality of work that you actually promised us at the time of formation of the contract.

So, that’s why we have decided to terminate this contract and as per the terms of the contract, the aggrieved party will be liable to compensation by the other party. The details of the damages and compensation will be forwarded to you by our legal team.

For any queries or further details, feel free to make contact.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Designation] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 16 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Termination Letter to Vendor


[Name of Recipient] [Address of Recipient] [Recipient’s Company Name]


Subject: Termination Letter to Vendor

Dear Mr./Mrs. [name of Recipient],

I am writing this letter to inform you that the contract between your company [mention recipient’s company name] and our company [sender’s company name], of supplying 200 packs of coffee per week will expire on [mention date of expiry]. As per the terms of the contract, both parties are free to end the contract whenever they desire to do so.

So, I am writing this letter to formally inform you that we will be terminating this contract from [mention date]. We have formed a contract with another vendor who will be supplying us with more high-quality coffee packs at a lower price.

Our company would like to thank you for the quality services that you have provided us and it was a pleasure doing business with your organization. Please make sure to clear all your dues by the end of this month.

For any queries, make sure to contact me through the given below details.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Designation] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 16 KB

File Type: MS WORD

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