20+ Editable Sell Sheet Templates (WORD & EXCEL)

Whenever a company launches a new product or offers new services, its main objective is to reach out to its target audience so that it can start generating revenue through the sales of that product. The company wants to inform its potential customers about its new product’s or service’s benefits so as to make them buy the product or service. All this can be done via a single document that is called a sell sheet and on this page, we have a collection of some free sell sheet templates available in different styles and formats.

What is a Sell Sheet Template?

A sell sheet template is a single-page document that is used to provide the customer with the details and benefits of a new product or service launched by the company. It may sound more like a sales flyer or brochure but it is a bit different from them. These high-quality beautifully designed documents are not just used to inform potential customers about a new product or service but it is also used as promotional material by the company’s marketing representatives.

A sell sheet, a sales sheet, or a product sheet is typically of two types:

1- Product Sell Sheet:

It is one of the main responsibilities of a sales manager to keep track of all the sales activity during a specific period. A product sell sheet provides the complete details of the sales of a product during a specific period of time. These sell sheets are then analyzed and new sales strategies and sales targets are set accordingly.

2- Service Sell Sheet:

If a company or an organization is a service provider, its sales managers will use service sell sheets. Just like a product sell sheet, a service sell sheet shows the record of jobs done or services provided during a specific period of time. A service sell sheet may also include customers feedback which is then analyzed and strategies are devised so as to provide high-quality services.

Download Sell Sheet WORD Templates Here

Product Sell Sheet Template

File Size: 15 KB

Blank Sell Sheet Template

File Size: 12 KB

Month Wise Daily Sales Sheet Template

File Size: 35 KB

Company’s Sell Sheet Template

File Size: 11 KB

Free Product Specification Sheet Template

File Size: 27 KB

Offical Sell Sheet WORD Template

File Size: 14 KB

Electronics Prouct Sell Sheet Template

File Size: 1 MB

Tech Product Sell Sheet Template

File Size: 3 MB

Free Printable Sell Sheet Template WORD

File Size: 32 KB

Sales Recap Sheet Sample Template

File Size: 70 KB

Company’s Product Sale Sheet Template

File Size: 943 KB

Detailed Sales Sheet Template

File Size: 14 KB

Household Product Sell Sheet Template

File Size: 58 KB

How to Create a Perfect Sell Sheet Template?

In order to create a perfect and effective sell sheet template, you just need to follow the given below simple steps:

  • Add the official logo of your business in a prominent position so as to make your brand more visible.
  • Add a memorable title to the document that describes your product or service in the best possible way.
  • In order to make your sell sheet more effective and attractive, it is important to add visual elements to it. Add the main image in the background and some other images of your product from a different angle. The main objective is to make your sell sheet more appealing and this can be done by adding images and texts in the right way.
  • Add a catchy headline or tagline and keep it concise. It must be written in such a way so as to provide a 1-line benefit of your product. For this purpose, you can think of the best benefit that your customers will get by using your product.
  • After that, make sure to provide a direct and brief description of your product, its specifications, and how it will be beneficial for your potential customers. Present your product as a solution to a specific problem or problems of your target audience. As you have limited space in your sell sheet, it is very important to keep your description concise and to the point.
  • In your sell sheet, you can also provide the statistics and data so as to support the claim of the amazing benefits of your product. However, it is important to provide the statistics in an interesting way like by presenting these statistics visually. It will make it more interesting and easy for the target audience to understand.
  • As for now, you have created a perfect sell sheet but don’t forget to miss one last thing and that is adding a call to action in your document. It is important because you ultimately want to convert your prospects or target audience into your potential customers. So, without a call to action, this can not be achieved.

Download Sell Sheet EXCEL Templates Here

Simple Product Sales Sheet Template

File Size: 10 KB

Practical Product Sales Sheet Template

File Size: 16 KB

Special Product Sheet EXCEL Template

File Size: 32 KB

Entity’s Official Sell Sheet Template

File Size: 33 KB

Example Sell Sheet Template EXCEL

File Size: 25 KB

Product Sell Sheet Template in XLSX Format

File Size: 17 KB

Free Online Sales Record Sheet Template

File Size: 40 KB

Basic Fillable Sell Sheet Template

File Size: 10 KB

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