11+ Practical Reference Letter Examples & Formats

At some point or stage, you might have to write a reference letter for someone like an employee, a friend or a colleague, etc. For that purpose, you must know how to draft a perfect reference letter. A reference letter should be written in a proper professional way so that it can become useful for the person for whom you are writing a reference letter. In this article, we have provided 11+ different reference letter examples and formats that can be used in different scenarios or situations. But first of all, let’s know briefly what a reference letter actually is and what are its main types.

What is a Reference Letter?

A reference letter is an official positive endorsement of a person’s attributes and skills written by someone who is already familiar with that person’s attributes, skills, work experience, achievements and accomplishments, etc. Usually, reference letters are required whenever someone wants to apply for a job, a college or a school, an internship program or applying for a bank loan, etc.

A reference letter plays an important role in getting your work done like, if you want to apply for a job position in an organization, a reference letter strengthens your credentials for that job position. In such a letter, usually, the writer explains to the reader the reasons for which they should hire someone or do some favor that is being asked in the letter, depending upon the circumstances. These letters attest to the fact that the person that is being referred, holds a particular set of skills or is fair in his conduct or behavior, that too depends upon the type of reference letter that you are actually writing.

Some reference letters are written strictly for professional purposes like writing a reference letter for someone to get a job or getting a bank loan, etc. Some reference letters are written for academic purposes like writing to refer a teacher for a job in an institute or writing to refer a student for a scholarship program. As mentioned earlier, there are different formats and situations in which a reference letter can be written. Make sure to check out the given below reference letter samples and format to understand the importance of such a document. All of these reference letter examples are free to download and can be edited further according to your requirement.

Reference Letter Examples and Format are Provided Below

Sample Job Reference Letter


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Organization’s Name]


Subject: Sample Job Reference Letter

Dear Mr./Mrs. [name of Recipient],

I am writing this letter to recommend [mention Concerned Person’s name]. He/she has worked with us at [mention Organization’s name] as a [mention Job Position] and [reported to me/ worked with me] in my position as [mention your Job Title].

As an employee, Mr./Mrs. [mention Concerned Person’s name] was always loyal and dedicated to his work and job responsibilities. During his/her tenure, he/she always managed to handle extreme work pressure and to come up with effective solutions to complex problems.

Mr./Mrs. [name of the Concerned Person] is a delight to work with and I wouldn’t hesitate to hire him/her again.

For further queries, you can always contact me through the given below details.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signatures] [Sender Designation] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 16 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Reference Letter for Opening a Bank Account


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Bank Name]


Subject: Reference Letter Opening a Bank Account

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, [sender’s Name in full], hold a current account with your Bank branch, [name of the Bank and Branch], having an account number, [mention the Account number].

This letter is to refer Mr./Mrs. [name of the Person you refer] to your bank who is interested in opening a current account with this branch of your bank. The referred person is of a great reputation and good conduct and is someone who has never been involved in any kind of financial issue or problem.

Furthermore, Mr./Mrs. [name of the concerned person] is a permanent employee of [mention the concerned person’s Organization name] for the last three years. For your verification, you are free to contact the organization and they will attest to this fact. I hope that after performing the necessary verifications, you will start proceeding with the opening of the bank account for the referred person.

Feel free to contact me any time for further details or queries.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signatures] [Sender Address] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 16 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Reference Letter for Restaurant Manager


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Restaurant’s Name]


Subject: Reference Letter for Restaurant Manager

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to refer Mr./Mrs. [name of the Concerned Person] for the position of Restaurant Manager in your restaurant. We have been working together at [mention the Organization name] for the last two years where he/she worked under me as the manager.

I must say that he/she is the fittest person for your organization. He/she has held a certified degree in hotel management from a well reputed Institute, [mention Institute’s Name] and has five years of experience in hotel and restaurant management. He/she is always loyal to his/her work and is very cooperative with the staff working under him/her. He/she possess some great leadership skills and he/she has the ability to motivate other employees to give their best to the organization.

Therefore, I am referring Mr./Mrs. [name of the Concerned Person] for this job and I hope that you will definitely consider this referral. For further details or queries, you are free to contact me any time.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signatures] [Sender Designation] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 17 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Reference Letter Graphic Designer


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Organization’s Name]


Subject: Reference Letter for Graphic Designer

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to refer Mr./Mrs. [name of the Concerned Person] for the position of graphic designer at your organization, [mention Organization’s name]. Mr./Mrs. [name of the Concerned Person] has worked as a graphic designer with us at [mention Sender’s Organization name] from 2016 to 2019.

I must say that he/she was a very hard working and skillful person. He/she always managed to perform his/her work on time. Together, we have worked on many different projects and every time it was a joy working with him/her. Therefore, I am referring him/her for the position of graphic designer in your organization. I am quite sure that he/she will be a great addition to the members of your organization.

Feel free to contact me any time for further details or queries.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signatures] [Sender Designation] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 15 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Reference Letter for Business Consultant


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Organization’s Name]


Subject: Reference Letter for Business Consultant

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to refer Mr./Mrs. [name of Consultant] as a consultant for your organization [name of the Organization].

I must say that the above-referred person seems to be the fittest person for the job according to me. He/she has worked with our organization as well on different projects. He/she has a take-charge attitude and knows how to satisfy and keep everyone calm while analyzing the whole situation. He/she effectively and efficiently perform his/her work and has a great ability to solve even complex problems.

Therefore, I am referring Mr./Mrs. [name of the Concerned Person] for this job and I hope that he/she will add great value to the overall development and growth of your business. For further details or queries, feel free to contact me any time.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signatures] [Sender Designation] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 17 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Reference Letter for an Employee


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Recipient’s Organization Name]


Subject: Reference Letter for an Employee

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to refer Mr./Mrs. [name of the Employee whom you refer] for the position of [mention the job post or job title] in your organization. Being a Project Manager of our Company for three years, Mr./Mrs. [name of the Employee whom you refer], his/her skills and professionalism always makes him/her stand out from the rest of the employees.

Taking on the new challenges, critical thinking and his/her ability to lead from the front are the qualities that make him/her exceptional in his/her area of expertise. Moreover, his/her excellent communication skills have also proved to be of great value to the organization. He/she also enjoys a great reputation with other employees of the organization.

To put it simply, it can be said easily that he/she was truly an asset for our organization and I am sure that he/she will definitely prove to be the same for you. For further queries, you are free to contact me any time.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signatures] [Sender Designation] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 16 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Reference Letter for a Tenant


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Recipient’s Organization Name]


Subject: Reference Letter for a Tenant

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to refer Mr./Mrs. [name of the Tenant] for tenancy at your apartment located at [mention the address or location of the apartment]. Mr./Mrs. [name of the Tenant] has been my tenant from 2014 to 2017 and I must say that he/she was one of the greatest tenants to whom I ever rented my apartment. Unfortunately, he/she had to move to another state because of his/her job and now as he/she returned back after four years, I have no vacant apartment for him/her.

But I remembered that some time ago, you asked me for a reliable and honest person for tenancy. Therefore, I am referring Mr./Mrs. [name of the Tenant] as being your tenant, as I completely know this person and I am sure that you will have no problem or issues with him/her being your tenant.

Feel free to contact me any time for further details or queries.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signatures] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 19 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Reference Letter for a Teacher


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Institute’s Name]


Subject: Reference Letter for a Teacher

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to refer Mr./Mrs. [name of the Teacher] for the position of history teacher at your school, [mention the name of School]. I have been a fellow teacher with Mr./Mrs. [name of the Teacher] at [mention School name] and I must say that he/she was one of the competent people in his/her concerned subject.

Every year, he/she was the first person to complete his/her syllabus on time and was very cooperative with each and every student with his/her class. He/she had maintained a friendly yet respectful environment in the class and never hesitated in clearing the concepts of students. Moreover, as a colleague, he/she is the person whom you can always trust.

I highly recommend Mr./Mrs. [name of the Teacher] for this position at your school and I am sure that he/she will prove to be of great value to your institute. Feel free to contact me any time for further details or queries.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signatures] [Sender Designation] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 15 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Reference Letter for a Student


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Recipient’s Organization Name]


Subject: Reference Letter for a Student

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to officially refer [name of Student] for your new Internship Program at [mention name of Organization].

Being his/her teacher, I have known [name of Student] him/her for two years as he/she was one of my students of Financial Accounting at [mention the name of Institute]. I must say that he/she was quite an extraordinary student of mine. He/she was always amongst the top list of students of my class who earned superior grades. His accounting concepts and application of accounting theories and methods in different scenarios were quite amazing. Therefore, I think that he/she deserves a chance to be a part of your Internship Program.

I am completely sure that he/she will definitely prove to be a great intern just like a great student he/she was. For further queries, you are free to contact me any time.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signatures] [Sender Designation] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 18 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Employee’s Reference Letter for Bank Loan


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Bank Name]


Subject: Employee’s Reference Letter for Bank Loan

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to confirm that Mr./Mrs. [name of the Employee] has been working with [name of the Organization], as a [mention the Job Position], since [mention date of start of Employment]. The said person is drawing a monthly salary of [mention the amount of Salary] inclusive of all the benefits.

During his/her period of employment and till now, we have found him a hard-working, dedicated, and loyal person who is always committed to his/her responsibilities. This letter is being issued on his/her request and the management of [mention the Organization’s name] is not responsible for any of his personal liabilities related to the bank loan at this moment or in the future.

If you need further clarifications or verifications regarding this matter, feel free to contact me.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signatures] [Sender Designation] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 18 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Business Reference Letter


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Recipient’s Organization Name]


Subject: Business Reference Letter

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to recommend you the excellent and high-quality services of [mention the name of Organization/Business that you are recommending] for the purchase or procurement of [mention the product/services].

We have been in business with [mention the name of Organization/Business that you are recommending] for the last three years and I must say that till now, they have not yet disappointed us with their conduct. Our organization is very happy and satisfied in doing business with them and therefore, we recommend and refer their services whenever asked.

I am sure that you will also enjoy doing business with them. For further queries, you are free to contact us any time.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signatures] [Sender Designation] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 15 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Bank Reference Letter


[Name of Recipient] [Address of Recipient]


Subject: Bank Reference Letter

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to confirm that Mr./Mrs. [name of the person for whom the reference is being provided] has a current account with [name of the Bank] that he/she has been maintaining for [mention the months or years] since [mention date].

I am writing this letter to certify that [name of person], holding Passport number [mention Passport Number], residing at [mention Home Address], holding the account number [mention Account Number] has been a regular client of [mention Bank Name]. The accounts held by this client had always been of proper conduct.

For further queries, you are free to contact us.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signatures] [Sender Designation] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 16 KB

File Type: MS WORD

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