10+ Persuasive Letter Samples

A persuasive letter or a letter of persuasion is a formal letter that is written with the purpose of persuading the recipient to take some action or to help solve a problem of the sender. Such letters are written with a viewpoint of influencing the thoughts and actions of the recipient.

Persuading or convincing someone to take some action is something that you have to do at any point i.e, whether as a student, a teacher, an official, an employer or an employee, or even as a citizen, you may have to persuade someone. You can do it verbally but the formal way of convincing someone is by writing a persuasive letter. In a persuasive letter, the sender must clearly mention his/her purpose of writing such a letter and what he/she wants the recipient to do. It could be anything like taking some action, not taking some action, refraining from something, or asking for the recipient’s help in a certain situation or for a particular purpose.

The persuasive letters are usually written to customers or clients, to government officials, or to employees or employers. That means such letters can be written outside the organization as well as internally. Persuasive letters are an important type of letter that you may need to use at any point. Some of the common persuasive letter samples are given below in this article. All of these sample persuasive letters are free to use and can be modified as well.

Free Persuasive Letter Samples

Persuasive Letter for Salary Hike


[Recipient Name] [Recipient Address]


Subject: Letter to Persuade for Salary Hike

Dear Mr./Mrs.[name of recipient],

I hope you find this letter in good health. Being [sender designation] of [department name], I have been working for [number of years]. I have always done my work with complete dedication and devotion and you have always appreciated my work. I am writing this letter just to remind you that you have promised me an increase in salary about 3 months ago.

As you know very well that due to increased inflation and continuous price hikes, it’s getting very difficult to meet the household expenses. So, I would request you to kindly take this matter into your consideration.

I hope that you will understand my problem and take action as soon as possible. Thanking you in anticipation.

Best Regards.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Designation]

File Size: 16KB

File Type: MS WORD

Persuasive Letter to Allocate Funds for School Repairs


[Recipient Name] [Recipient Designation]


Subject: Letter to State Education Department to Allocate Funds for School Repairs

Dear Mr./Mrs.[name of recipient],

I am [sender name], the [designation of the sender] of [mention school name] and I am writing this letter to request you to allocate funds for school repairs.

Our town, [mention town name] has only three schools which are not even completely built. I appreciate the initiatives that you have taken for the education system of our state and have built many educational institutions around the whole state. So, I humbly request you to allocate frequent funds for the repair and renovation of our school located at [mention school address] as well as other schools of our town.

I hope you will take this matter into consideration and will take proper action as soon as possible. Thanking you in anticipation.

Best Regards.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature]

File Size: 16KB

File Type: MS WORD

Persuasive Letter for Selling the Property

                                                                            [Sender Name]

                                                                        [Sender Address] [Recipient Name] [Recipient Address]


Subject: Persuasive Letter for Selling the Property

Dear Mr./Mrs.[name of recipient],

Being your broker, I am writing this letter to you so as to advise you to sell your property that is located at [mention complete property address], to Mr./Mrs.[mention name of the buyer].

Although Mr./Mrs.[mention name of the buyer] has offered a bit lower price for the property, but I can guarantee you that he will pay you the whole amount at the time the deal will be signed.

I admit that the other buyer who showed interest in purchasing the property had offered a higher price, but he was asking for some time to make the whole payment. Moreover, I have come to know that he/she has a bit of a dark background and has already been involved in scam and fraud cases.

So, I strongly suggest you make this deal as I want just the best for you and want to make you feel safe as a seller. Feel free to contact me for any information. Thanks.

Best Regards.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature]

File Size: 16KB

File Type: MS WORD

Persuasive Letter Format Sample


[Name of Recipient] [Address of Recipient]


Subject: [Normally written in BOLD letters]

Dear Sir/Madam,

Start the letter by mentioning the reason or reasons for writing this letter. Then briefly write your point of view on the same problem or problems.

The second paragraph must include the details of each point mentioned above.

In the last paragraph, ask the receiver for their help in solving your problem. Mention why they should be joining you in your cause and end the letter with a thanking note.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Designation] [Sender Address]

File Size: 15KB

File Type: MS WORD

Persuasive Letter to Ask for Donations/Charity

[Recipient Name] [Recipient Address]


Subject: Letter to Ask for Donations

Dear Mr./Mrs.[name of recipient],

I am [sender name] and I run an NGO that works to provide better food and education for poor kids. Mr./Mrs.[mention referrer name, if there is any] has mentioned a lot about you. I have heard from him/her that you yourself have been doing charitable work for quite a long time.

[briefly mention the purpose of your NGO, what and how you operate]. So, I would like you to contribute to our cause in any way you can. Furthermore, it would be a great honor for our organization if you pay a visit to us as well.

Looking forward to your positive gesture. Thanking you in anticipation.

Best Regards.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Designation] [Organization Name]

File Size: 16KB

File Type: MS WORD

Persuasive Letter for Change in Venue

[Recipient Name] [Recipient Designation]


Subject: Letter to Persuade for Change in Venue

Dear Mr./Mrs.[name of recipient],

On behalf of [department name] of [company name], I am writing this letter to request you to change the venue of the upcoming [mention event name].

Every year we have been celebrating this event at the [mention the current venue] but this time, we have decided to request you to kindly arrange this event at [mention the desired venue]. [briefly state why you want the event to be arranged at the desired venue]. I hope that you will take our request into consideration and it will not be a problem for management to arrange the event at our suggested venue.

Looking forward to a positive response.

Best Regards.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Designation]

File Size: 16KB

File Type: MS WORD

Useful Tips for Writing a Persuasive Letter

While drafting a persuasive letter, it is important that you write it in a proper formal way. If you are interested in knowing how to write and draft a persuasive letter, make sure to keep the given below useful tips in mind:

  • Before start writing a persuasive letter, you must be clear in your mind that why you are writing the letter. This will help you collect better ideas and you will be able to write the letter in a proper convincing and compelling way.
  • Just like other formal letters, make sure to mention the date, recipient’s name and address at the beginning of the letter.
  • Subject line is the one-liner of your whole letter so make sure to include one. Normally the subject line is written in bold letters.
  • Use proper salutations.
  • You must know about the thinking of the recipient and draft your letter that way so as to effectively present your point of view to the recipient.
  • In the main body of the letter, state the reasons for writing the letter in detail. But make sure to keep the details precise and to the point.
  • Use facts and stats, wherever possible, so as to make your persuasive letter more logical.
  • A persuasive letter is usually argumentative in nature, but it is important to keep your tone simple, straight and friendly.
  • Make sure to end the letter with some strong statement so as to convince or persuade the recipient take the desired action.
  • At the end, don’t forget to thank the recipient.

Persuasive Letter to Public/Community to Rally Against Pollution


[Recipient(s) Name] [Recipient’s Address]


Subject: Persuasive Letter to Community to Rally Against Pollution

Dear All,

I am [sender name], the [designation of the sender] of [mention organization name] and I am writing this letter to request you to join us at a peaceful rally that we are conducting against pollution.

Today, our city is facing a lot of problems because of pollution and this pollution is caused by various factories set up near us. These factories produce various chemical wastage and dangerous gases that are continuously ruining our environment. These greedy corporates are making huge profits while risking our health and lives and the lives of our children.

So, it is now our turn to practice our rights and take action against this corporate mafia. Therefore I request you to join us at our organization’s peaceful rally that we will be conducting at [mention day, day, and time].

Looking forward to your support and hoping for the best.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature]

File Size: 16KB

File Type: MS WORD

Simple Persuasive Letter to Customer

[Recipient Name] [Recipient Address]


Subject: Persuasive Letter to Customer

Dear Mr./Mrs.[name of recipient],

I am writing this letter to inform you that our new product, [mention product name] is now available in the market. You have already used its previous version and your feedback was positive regarding the use of that product.

I would like to tell you that this new product of ours is an impressive high-quality extension to that previous product that you have already used. [briefly mention some other features of the product].

So, I would definitely recommend you to give it a try and I can assure you that it will be worth trying. Feel free to contact me for further queries. Thanks a lot.

Best Regards.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Designation] [Company Name]

File Size: 15KB

File Type: MS WORD

Persuasive Letter to City Government for Solving Traffic Issues

[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient]


Subject: Letter to City Government for Solving Traffic Issues

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope you find this letter in good health. I am [sender name] and I live in [mention address]. Being a responsible citizen, I am writing this letter to bring the issue of traffic to your attention.

For 2 months, we have been facing a lot of problems due to these traffic problems. The routine heavy traffic jams at our main road [mention road address] cause everyone a lot of trouble, and due to which we are not being able to reach at a time on our workplaces. Moreover, the poor condition of the road has also caused many fatal accidents.

Despite many complaints, this issue has not been managed and resolved. So, I would like you to take this matter into your consideration and resolve this issue as soon as possible.

Looking forward to your positive response.



[Sender Name] [Sender Address

File Size: 12KB

File Type: MS WORD

Persuasive Letter to Sales Team for Better Performance

[Department Name]


Subject: Persuasive Letter to Sales Team for Better Performance

Dear Sir/Madam,

Being [sender designation], I am writing this letter to appreciate the efforts and dedication that you people show at your work. Last year, your hard work has led the organization to achieve maximum profits, all because of the teamwork of the whole department.

The whole department has always made us proud and I hope that you will continue to do so this year as well as in upcoming years. I would like to notify the whole department that if you would be able to achieve [mention the target and its detaiIs], the whole department will get some great bonuses. Moreover, you will also be awarded some extra yearly vacations.

So, I hope that you will try your best to meet the deadlines and will achieve the set target. Best of luck.

Regards. Sincerely, [Sender Name] [Sender Sign] [Sender Designation]

File Size: 12KB

File Type: MS WORD

Persuasive Letter for Price Negotiations

[Recipient Name] [Recipient Address]


Subject: Persuasive Letter to Supplier for Price Negotiations

Dear Sir/Madam,

Being [sender designation] of [sender company name], I am writing this letter to negotiate the price for [mention product name]. As both of our organizations have been doing business for the past few years, so whenever we have to procure for [mention product name], you are always our first choice.

I would like to notify you that we are always satisfied with your high-quality products and I expect that you are also satisfied with us, in terms of payment. But this time, I would like you to lower the price of [product name] from [mention price] to [mention price]. Being your regular customers, we would want you to give us a special discount as we will be purchasing [product name] in bulk quantity.

Looking forward to your positive gesture. Thanks a lot.

Best Regards.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Designation]

File Size: 16KB

File Type: MS WORD

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