7+ Sample Letter of Advice Templates & Formats

As the name suggests, a letter of advice is a simple letter that is written to advise someone. This could be written to a client, a friend, a colleague, an employee, or to anyone else seeking your advice. This page has a collection of some daily use letter of advice templates and formats that are available for free. One can easily download, edit, and use any of the letters of advice templates as per their requirements.

A letter of advice or advice letter is actually written to communicate your recommendations or suggestions to someone who requested it. As the person seeking your advice on a certain matter asks for it because he or she relies on you, it is your duty to give the best possible and honest advice, suggestion, or recommendation to them. Moreover, the given advice or recommendation must be based on your own experience.

Types of Advice Letters

Typically, there are two major types of advice letters. One is official or professional and the other one is personal.

Official or Professional Letter of Advice

As the name suggests, an official or professional letter of advice is a letter that is written in response to an official or professional request. This request could be made by a customer, client, subordinate, or anyone seeking advice on some professional matters. This type of letter is usually requested to be written by an expert or a professional whose advice or opinion is considered authoritative.

Personal Letter of Advice

A personal letter of advice can be requested by someone to sort out any of his/her personal problems. It could be about anything personal in nature like a friend asking your advice to accept a new job offer, or if he/she is having some personal household problems, etc. In a personal letter of advice, you actually have to provide motivation along with your recommendations or suggestions.

On this page, both the professional as well as personal letters of advice samples and templates are provided for you. Check out these templates and you are free to use and edit any of the advice letter templates of your choice.

Download the Letter of Advice Templates & Formats Below

Letter of Advice to Client


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Organization Name]


Subject: Advice to Client

Dear Mr. / Mrs. [name of the Recipient],

This letter is in response to your request for my advice on conducting a charity event. I am pleased and honored that you have asked for my advice. You know that I am always willing to help you at any cost.

I advise you to contact Mr. / Mrs. [name of the Person] to arrange your event at [mention Venue/Location]. He / She is a good friend and a former colleague of mine. He / She will definitely guide you thoroughly and will help you to conduct the event in the best possible way. Moreover, the venue that I mentioned is located in the center of the city and is in a prime location.

Moreover, list down the event’s agenda items in detail so that you don’t miss anything important. I hope that my advice will prove to be useful for you and may you succeed to achieve your objectives through this event.

Feel free to call me for any queries or details.

Yours Sincerely,

[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Designation] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 17 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Letter of Advice to Colleague on Opening New Business


[Name of Recipient] [Address of Recipient]


Subject: Advice on Opening New Business

Dear Mr. / Mrs. [Name of the Recipient],

I am very happy to know that you want to start your own business of [mention Business Name]. I want to let you know that I am very happy for you that you are finally taking this step. However, as a friend and a colleague, I would just like to advise you on something.

Opening a new business might look easy but the real thing is management and operations. You have to manage all the things by yourself as you can’t rely on anyone else for this. Managing the labor and your daily operations is not an easy task. Before you joined this organization, I also did an experiment of running my own business. However, it was not a very pleasant experience for me.

Though I pray for you that you achieve success and your business grows. If you have some time, we can talk it over at lunch or dinner.

Best of luck!

Yours Sincerely,

[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Designation] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 16 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Letter of Advice to Subordinates


[Name of Recipient] [Address of Recipient]


Subject: Advice to Subordinates

Dear Mr. / Mrs. [Name of the Recipient],

In any work, punctuality is one of the key factors of success. Whether you run your own business or you are an employee of someone, it is always good and beneficial to be punctual. However, I checked the employee time sheets for the last month and I am quite worried about that. Let me remind you again that every employee is required to reach the office and be ready to work by 8:00 am.

I realize that the construction of the highway has led to many traffic hazards. But every problem has a solution, right? It is my advice that if you reach the office late by 15 minutes, you can leave to work 15 minutes earlier. That’s how you can manage the traffic issues and can reach the office on time.

If the time sheets for the current month show the same tardiness, strict actions will be taken against the employees who don’t bother coming to work on time. I hope that you will take my advice into consideration.

Thanks a lot!

Yours Sincerely,

[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 15 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Letter of Advice About Choosing a Career


[Name of Recipient] [Address of Recipient]


Subject: Advice about choosing a Career

Dear Mr. / Mrs. [Name of the Recipient],

I am very pleased that you asked my opinion about choosing a career for yourself. As I know you for so long, I know that you are interested in writing. You are a good content writer and have proved that already by writing some featured guest posts for the school website.

I think you should adopt content writing as your profession. You can opt for freelance content writing and can earn some great money for yourself. It also gives you the freedom to work remotely. If you further need my help, I can also help you arrange a meeting with one of my colleagues who is also a part-time freelance content writer. He is also making some great money even working for just 4 to 5 hours daily.

I hope that you will consider my advice seriously as I know that writing is also your passion. When the passion becomes the profession, the person never gets bored or discouraged in his work. Feel free to call me for anything.

Best of Luck!


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 16 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Useful Tips for Writing an Effective Advice Letter

In order to know how to write an effective advice letter, you must know about the actual format of writing one. You can also check out the sample advice letter templates and formats that are available here on this page. Using a pre-formatted editable template can save you a lot of time and effort. However, if you still want to write an advice letter from scratch, you must keep in mind the useful tips that are given below:

  • Write your letter of advice by keeping the reader or recipient in mind. You should know exactly to whom you are writing your advice letter then format it accordingly.
  • Show your gratitude to the reader for relying on you to give advice.
  • While writing your letter, choose your words and phrases carefully.
  • Keep the overall tone and language of your advice letter courteous and respectful.
  • While advising someone, the most important thing is not to directly criticize them even if they are a mistake. If you just write a letter to criticize someone, it will ruin the purpose of your advice letter.
  • When you are requested to give your advice, it is better to respond to any such request as soon as possible.
  • If somehow, you can’t give your advice, still write the letter expressing your regret for not being able to help them with your advice.
  • In your letter of advice, you can also recommend someone you know who can help the reader. For example, if a person has asked for your advice on some legal issues, you can recommend a lawyer that you know can help the reader. It is important to note that while recommending someone, it is better if you already know that person or have acquired his/her services earlier.
  • Advice the reader in such a way that he/she easily understands the message of your letter. Don’t use strong language and also avoid using too many technical terms in your letter that make it difficult for the reader to understand.
  • If you are writing a letter of advice to resolve a conflict, make sure to offer you help in resolving any such conflict or issue. You should actually offer the help and not just for the sake of it.
  • Draft a nice letter of advice with the sole purpose of guiding and helping the reader.
  • Your letter of advice must be written in such a way that it comforts the reader.

Letter of Advice on a Personal Matter


[Name of Recipient] [Address of Recipient]


Subject: Advice on a Personal Matter

Dear Mr. / Mrs. [Name of the Recipient],

Though it is not my right to interfere in your personal matter, I am writing this letter only on your request for my advice. Last time you told me that you are having some differences with your wife, Sarah. Well, my friend, I would like to let you know that it is completely natural. Partners may have differences and problems with each other at some stage but that doesn’t mean that it’s over, and it should not be.

In such a situation, it is better to get separated for some time so that both can realize their mistakes and correct themselves. If you ask, I would meet Sarah and try to convince her. After that, all three of us can meet and try to settle the differences between you two.

At last, I just want to request you don’t do anything stupid in hurry. Sit down, relax, and think about settling your problems.

Thanks a lot!

Yours Sincerely,

[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 17 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Letter of Advice on a Professional Matter


[Name of Recipient] [Address of Recipient]


Subject: Advice on a Professional Matter

Dear Mr. / Mrs. [Name of the Recipient],

I am writing this letter to advise you about getting the new job of Sales Manager that you have been offered by Collins Pvt. Ltd. Company. You have been working at your current company, ABS Pvt. Ltd. for the last 3 years and have noticed a limited growth. Moreover, the perquisites that you are getting against the work are quite low.

As you told me about the details of the new job, the salary and the perquisites that they are offering, I advise you to take this opportunity and accept this new job. It’s not only about the salary or perquisites, it’s about the new opportunity and the new environment. The Collins Pvt. Ltd. is a reputable organization where you will get chances to explore new opportunities.

In my opinion, you should say ‘Yes’ to this offer and accept the new job. I hope that this decision will be great for you and you will not regret it.

Best of Luck!

Yours Sincerely,

[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 17 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Letter of Advice on Choosing a New Business Partner


[Name of Recipient] [Address of Recipient]


Subject: Advice on Choosing a New Partner

Dear Mr. / Mrs. [Name of the Recipient],

When you asked my advice about choosing a new partner, I realized that you are facing troubles in managing things all by yourself. It’s completely natural after all a single person can take the burden only up to some extent.

However, you are also confused about whom you should take as a new partner in your business. Well, if you ask me, I would recommend that you would take John as your new partner. He is a dedicated professional and a bright young man. He is trustworthy and I think he will definitely make a good business partner.

Though, when he will be the partner, you will have to ask his opinion on every matter. It is better to get your partnership properly registered and if you want, you can also limit his role as well in accordance with the Uniform Partnership Act of 1997.

I wish you all the best and I hope that you will consider my advice. I also hope that it will be a wise decision for you and your business.

Yours Sincerely,

[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 16 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Letter of Advice on Resolving Conflict Between Two Employees


[Name of Recipient] [Address of Recipient]


Subject: Advice on Resolving Conflict

Dear Mr. / Mrs. [Name of the Recipient],

I appreciate your requesting me to resolve the conflict between you and your project manager, Eric Edwards. At workplaces, conflicts often take place due to differences of opinion. That’s not a big issue. However, the big issue is if the persons, among whom the conflict arises, fail to resolve it on time.

After you told me the whole story of how the conflict between you two started, I approached Eric to listen to his version of the story. I reached the conclusion that both of you are at mistakes and there is merely a misunderstanding between both of you.

I advise that this coming Thursday, all three of us should go out for a dinner and should try to resolve this issue between you two. Once again, I really appreciate your reaching out to me for the solution. Don’t worry, everything will be fine as I hope that we can resolve this matter as professionals.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 16 KB

File Type: MS WORD

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