10+ FREE Editable Inquiry Letters

As the name suggests, Inquiry letters are a type of formal letters that are written so as to acquire information or to inquire about some details. The inquiry could be about a product or service or simply about anything. A good inquiry letter should have all the necessary details in it. You must clearly state the purpose of writing such a letter and what kind of details, information, or favor you want from the recipient. The tone of your inquiry letter should formal and polite.

Inquiry letters can be written for different purposes. Each of these letters has slight changes in its main context, but the overall format remains the same. In this article, some editable samples of Inquiry Letters are given that are completely free to use.

Inquiry Letter for a Job

The most common type of inquiry letter is the letter that is written for a Job. An inquiry letter for a job is also known as a Prospecting letter, a cold conduct letter or a letter of interest. Unlike a cover letter, it is written for the employers who are hiring individuals but don’t have active job postings for a particular field. So, for that purpose, you must write this letter indicating you are genuinely interested in doing the job and what skills and expertise you have so that the company should hire you. Check out this sample Inquiry Letter for Job for better understanding.


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient]


Subject: Inquiry Letter for a Job

Respected Sir/Madam,

Thank you for taking the time to review my resume. I have recently graduated from [Institute Name], and I am currently looking for a position in the [mention Area Name].

I am interested in an entry-level role with [Company Name]’s [Department Name], hoping to leverage my knowledge and skills and serve your organization with my hard work. I have heard that [Company Name] is a great organization to work for, and I hope that I can be considered for the job.

For further details regarding my credentials and qualifications, please feel free to call me at [Contact Number] or email me at [Email Address].

Again, thank you for reviewing my resume. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.


[Sender Name] [Sender Designation]

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Inquiry Letter about University/College Admission

As the name suggests, this inquiry letter is written so as to know the details and information about getting admission to a University or a College. Every institute has its own admission criteria and they admit the students only when they fulfill that criterion. Such a letter of inquiry is a formal way to inquire about the things that are necessary for getting admission and meeting that criterion set by a College or a University.


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [University/College Address]


Subject: Inquiry Letter about University/College Admission

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, [Mention your full name], am writing this letter to inquire about the process of admission to your esteemed institute, [Name of Institute]. I wish to join [mention the College/University’s full name] as a student as I feel I would be better equipped here and will get well-groomed here than,in any other institute. So, I am hopeful that you would understand my situation and allow me the opportunity to apply to your University/College.

I would request you to tell me whether I have to visit the campus and meet you personally to get admission procedure details or you would email me the same. It would be very kind of you if you could mention any other necessities that would be required in the process.

As it is a matter of my future I humbly request you to send me the admission details as soon as possible.


[Sender Name] [Sender Contact Details]

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Inquiry Letter for Club Membership

Many people, mostly after their retirement, and even during their careers, are fond of joining clubs. These clubs could be social circle clubs, sports clubs, social service clubs or could be formed for any recreational purposes. So, to get a membership to any such club, you can write an inquiry letter to the founder or president of such a club, inquiring him/her about the necessary details for getting a membership of that club. In this letter, you should mention why you want to join the club and what are the requirements for getting a membership. The given below sample inquiry letter can be helpful for you to get the idea.


[Name of Recipient] [Recipient’s Designation] [Name of Club]


Subject: Letter of Inquiry for Club Membership

Dear Mr./Mrs. [Name of Recipient],

A few days ago, I came to know about your Club and I found out that the activities your club caters are pretty much of my interest and liking. So, that’s why I am writing this letter to inquire about how I can apply to be a member of your club.

I am very interested in joining this community and would definitely want to take an active part in all the activities that are carried out here. So, I would appreciate it if you could tell me about your entrance qualifications, fees, subscriptions, etc.

Yours Sincerely,

[Sender Name] [Sender Contact Details]

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Inquiry Letter for a Loan

In order to get some financing or a loan from a bank or any other credit-providing organization, you can write an inquiry letter so as to get details about their loan policies, terms and conditions. In such a letter, be careful with your wording and clearly mention the purpose of getting the loan i.e, for home or for business. You can have a look at the sample given below to get an idea of how to write an inquiry letter for a loan.

                                                                                          [Sender Name]

                                                                                          [Sender Address]



[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Bank Name]

Subject: Inquiry Letter for a Loan

Dear Mr/Mrs.[Name of Recipient],

I am [your Name] and I am writing this letter to acquire some information regarding the loan policies available in your bank. I am planning to start my own business of [mention the business details briefly] and I need finance for that. [name of the Bank] is a reputed bank and a trustworthy organization, thus I am looking forward to this deal. I was researching for a prospective loan opportunity and have finally decided that I will opt for your bank.

It will be very kind of you if you forward the details of loans that your bank provides for new businesses. If you agree, I would prefer other discussions on a sitting. I need a loan that will provide me a sum of [mention the amount] and I would appreciate it if you help me in this case.  

Please contact me for any other information. I will be obliged if your bank co-operates and understands my needs. Thanking you in anticipation.


[Sender Name] [Sender Contact Details]

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Inquiry Letter for Catalog

As an individual or a business organization, you can write this letter to the recipient to inquire him/her about the catalog of his/her products. In this letter, you must explain why you are interested to know about the recipient’s products or services, for which you are demanding a catalog.


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Recipient’s Company Name & Address]


Subject: Inquiry Letter for Catalogue

Dear Mr/Mrs.[Name of Recipient],

I had the occasion to see some of your company’s products in the recently held exhibition and found them quite interesting. Our company, [mention Company Name] ourselves deal with these products in retail and we have potential clients from all over the world.

Therefore, I would request you to send us a copy of your latest catalog along with copies of descriptive leaflets that could be passed on to prospective buyers. We would be glad if you could send us a couple of samples of your products also.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours Sincerely,

[Sender Name] [Sender Designation] [Sender Company Name & Address] [Sender Contact Details]

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File Type: MS WORD

Inquiry Letter for Catering Services

If you want catering services for a personal or business event, you can contact nearby catering service providers by writing them an inquiry letter. In such a letter, you normally ask about the details of how much they charge and how they plan to cater the event. For further details, check this free sample Inquiry Letter provided below.

                                                                                                    [Sender Name]

                                                                                                [Sender Address]


[Name of Recipient] [Recipient’s Company Name & Address]


Subject: Inquiry Letter for Catering Services

Dear Mr/Mrs.[Name of Recipient],

I am writing this letter to get some details about your catering services. I want to know about the catering services for the event of [mention event name and details].

As you are a well-reputed organization in this industry so our company [mention company name] were planning to have all the arrangements made by your catering company, for this particular event. We have seen your agency advertisement in our local newspaper. Please inform us with all the information about the catering services that you offer.

[Provide them specific details like where the event will be held, how many guests you will be expecting etc, and ask them specific questions like, the amount they will charge for catering the event, how many items can they able to provide, any discounts available, etc]. 

Please find the attached documents for the requirements of the process. Kindly, look into the matter and let us know the enquired questions.

If you have any further queries, feel free to contact us at [mention contact details like, phone number and email address, etc.]

Looking forward to your positive response.

Yours Sincerely,

[Sender Name] [Sender Contact Details]

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How to Write an Inquiry Letter-Basic Guidelines

As mentioned earlier that you are free to use the given inquiry letter samples but still if you want to write the letter yourself, then you should know its correct format. Following are some basic guidelines for writing an Inquiry Letter.

  • In the letter, clearly mention your name, job title or status.
  • Clealry address the recipient that what you actually want from him/her i.e, some favor or information about a product, a service or anything else.
  • Make sure not to include any unnecessary or irrelevant details. Be specific and stay to the point.
  • Clealry mention the purpose of writing any such letter to the recipient.
  • The tone of your inquiry letter must be professional, polite and courteous.
  • Don’t forget to mention your contact details in the letter.

Inquiry Letter for Credit

This formal inquiry letter is written when someone requests to join the company’s creditors’ or payables’ list. Large companies have hundreds of creditors and not everyone is allowed the facility of credit. So, if someone requests to be entertained by the credit facility of the company, he usually writes to the company with some reference. That reference can be of an already existing creditor of the company or could be of any other stakeholder of the company. So, the inquiry letter for credit is written to that person, whose reference is given, so the company could inquire some important information about the person who is applying for credit.


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Recipient’s Company Name & Address]


Subject: Inquiry Letter for Credit

Dear Mr/Mrs.[Name of Recipient],

Mr. / Mrs. [Name of Person whose inquiry is required] of [Same Person’s Business or Organization Name] has applied for an account with our company, [name of Sender’s Company]. He listed you as a reference in his application.

Could you please provide us with some information about [Name of Person whose inquiry is required] reputation and reliability? Any information you give us will be strictly confidential. We would be happy if you could give us a reply as soon as possible.

Your co-operation is much appreciated.

Yours Sincerely,

[Sender Name] [Sender Designation] [Sender Company Name & Address] [Sender Contact Details]

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Inquiry Letter for Purchase of Property

An inquiry letter for the purchase of property is usually written with a viewpoint of acquiring important details regarding the purchase of a particular property. Such a letter can be written either directly to the owner of the property or to the real estate agent or dealer.

                                                                                                      [Sender Name]

                                                                              [Sender’s Complete Address]



[Name of Recipient] [Recipient’s Complete Address]

Subject: Inquiry Letter for Purchase of Property

Dear Mr/Mrs.[Name of Recipient],

I am writing this letter to inquire about the purchase of the property [mention details of property i.e, property number, area, city, state, etc]. I have seen the advertisement that you have published and the property description seems like what I exactly want. I was looking for a perfect property for setting us a cabin and I think your property will be a perfect one.

The land area satisfies my needs and the surrounding area will also prove to be helpful. The location is also perfect for the cabin.  I hope that the particular property is still on sale. I would like to visit the property and with your cooperation, we can fix a suitable date for this visit. The advertisement states the price of the property that you expect but I would like to have some further discussion. I can also look up to any other properties that you might have near the town.

I will wait for your reply. Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours Sincerely,

[Sender Name] [Sender Contact Details]

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Inquiry Letter for a Product

In order to get details of a product or even its sample(s), one can write an inquiry letter to the owner or manufacturer of that product. You should state to the recipient clearly that he should provide all the necessary details of the product like its price, how to handle or use it, etc. Check this given below Inquiry Letter for more clear understanding.

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Letter of Inquiry for an Event

Sometimes, it happens that for an upcoming event, its details like venue, date and time, etc. are not clarified, especially if it is some event of an organization. In such situations, everyone gets confused as no one has exact information. So, for that purpose, a representative of employees can write a letter inquiring about the details of the event. Check this sample letter of inquiry for an event format.


[Name of Recipient] [Recipient’s Designation]


Subject: Letter of Inquiry for an Event

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am [your Name] and I am an employee from [your Department Name]. I am writing this letter is to inquire about some details about the upcoming event of our company. The employees need to know some information about the event and I am writing this letter on behalf of them

We were informed that an event regarding [subject of the Event] was going to be held this month. But we were not updated with other important things like the venue, dress code, date and time, etc. Because of not having proper information about the event, every employee is assuming different types of information about the event which is ultimately leading us to utter confusion.

So, it will be very kind of you if you provide us with the right details and information about this event. We will be waiting for your response.

Yours Sincerely,

[Sender Name] [Sender Contact Details]

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Letter of Inquiry for Franchise

If you are interested in acquiring the franchise of some business, you should ask the company formally i.e, by writing a letter of inquiry for the franchise. In this letter, you should clearly state your intention of getting the franchise, how you plan to operate it and what are the requirements of applying for the franchise.


[Name of Recipient] [Recipient’s Designation] [Recipient’s Company Name & Address]


Subject: Letter of Inquiry for Franchise

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am [your Name] and I live at [your complete Street Address]. I am writing this letter to inquire some details about the franchise of your company, [mention Company Name].

I came to know about the availability of your company’s franchise on your website, and I am willing to be a franchise partner for your company. Therefore, I request you to kindly provide me with the details of all the necessary requirements to apply for this franchise. I own a property at [details of your property location] and I think it would be a great place for the franchise.

So, it will be very kind of you if you send these details to my email address [mention email address]. Looking forward to your positive response.

Yours Sincerely,

[Sender Name] [Sender Contact Details] [Sender Signature]

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Letter of Inquiry to Health Care Agency

You can also write an inquiry letter to a health care agency inquiring them about the medical services they offer. You can write such an inquiry letter personally i.e, for the purpose of the donation, or simply write on behalf of your organization. You can have a look at the given inquiry letter format to get a better idea of how to draft one.

                                                                                                       [Sender Name]

                                                                                             [Sender Designation]

                                                                  [Sender Company Name & Address]


[Name of Recipient] [Recipient’s Designation] [Recipient’s Company Name & Address]


Subject: Letter of Inquiry to Health Care Agency

Respected [Name of Recipient],

I am writing this letter with the intention to get some information about your health care agency. Recently, I have heard about your health care agency, and I came to know that you are providing quality services here. So, I want to know some more details about it.

It will be very kind of you if you provide me with the details about the health care package. What are the best facilities your agency provides to common people? Let me know about the diseases which are treated in your agency. How much does it cost to get the treatment in your health care agency? Does this agency provide health insurance? [and any other details]

I will be expecting your quick response. Contact me through the given phone number or email address.

Yours Sincerely,

[Sender Name] [Sender Contact Details]

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File Type: MS WORD

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