11 Useful Feedback Letter Samples

Feedback letters are formal letters that are written to provide some response or information about a person, a product or a service. Feedback letters are often used every now and then. Many businesses ask their customers to provide their feedback on different things so that they can analyze their weaknesses and take steps to improve things. Feedback letters can be used in countless other scenarios as well such as providing feedback about a job interview, about a course, parents providing their feedback about their children’s school, etc. We do hope that you will like these free feedback letter templates.

The feedback can be both positive as well as negative. It’s people’s right to respond about a product or service any way they want. Negative feedback is the thing that helps a business or any other organization to identify its weaknesses and to improve things. Negative feedback must be considered as constructive criticism, as in the professional world, no one points out the negative things just for the sake of it, and such highlighting of negative things can prove to be quite helpful to you and your business.

The reason why most businesses or other organizations ask for feedback from their customers or any other outsiders is that they provide an honest and unbiased opinion. As a feedback provider or responder, you should also try to give feedback with complete honesty. Given below are some sample feedback letters for different situations. If you are ever asked to write a feedback letter, you can use these sample feedback letter formats for free and can easily edit them too.

Feedback Letter for a Product/Service

The most common type of feedback letter is this one i.e., companies or businesses asking their customers to respond or provide feedback on their products or services. As a customer or a client, even if you don’t have a satisfactory experience with the product or service, still you should be polite and professional in writing the feedback letter. Check this given below sample.


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Recipient’s Company Name]


Subject: Feedback Letter About a Product/Service

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to notify you of my opinion on your product/service. In my personal opinion, this product/service of yours called [mention product/service name] is quite amazing. My overall experience with the usage or feel of the product was just great and I am sure that most of your other customers will have the same opinion.

However, there is always room for improvement and I would like to suggest to you some steps that you can take to improve the performance of your product.

[state the suggestions, if you have any, in points or skip that part]

For further queries or information, feel free to contact me using the details provided below. All the very best to you and your team.

Thank You.


[Sender Name] [Sender Contact Details] [Sender Signature]

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Feedback Letter After Internship

Many organizations offer internship programs to different people, mostly in their last educational years. Even some degrees require you to do an internship while studying. As an intern, you should consider yourself very lucky if you manage to be a part of a renowned and esteemed organization. Working for any such organization will enhance your skills and will help you explore and learn more.

Besides this, if your work as an intern seems to be satisfactory, it’s a great chance that you could be hired for a job in the same organization. Well, whatever the situation might be, most companies ask the interns to provide their feedback on the company’s internship program. The interns do so formally by writing a feedback letter post-internship. Check out this given below sample to know how to write such a letter.


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Company Name]


Subject: Feedback Letter After Internship

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to thank you for providing me the opportunity to work as your [mention internship title]. I think I would not be able to learn and grow as much as I have this past [mention days/months] without your constant support and guidance.

Now I am confident that I can pursue a career in [mention field] and take on the role of a [mention job role or responsibility]. I’d love to stay in touch with you so that you may let me know if there are any vacancies or job openings in your department so that I can apply on time. You can contact me at [mention phone number] or email me at [mention email address].

Thanks a lot once again for this incredible internship and I wish you and your team all the best.

Yours Truly,

[Sender Name] [Sender Address]

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Feedback Letter After Training/Workshop

Just like writing feedback after the internship, many trainers or experts who conduct different training sessions or workshops would also want their attendants to provide them with their valuable opinion or feedback about such training or workshop. This helps such trainers or experts to improve themselves and remove any deficiencies in their presentations. This is how to write a simple feedback letter after a training session or workshop.


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient]


Subject: Feedback Letter After Training/Workshop

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to warmly thank you for conducting such an amazing training/workshop. I must say that the training was very informative and was quite joyful at the same time. The way you presented yourself, your topic and the references you used were simply amazing.

However, there is one thing that I would like to bring your attention to [state anything negative or disturbing or simply skip this part if you don’t have anything like this to mention].

I would like to congratulate you and your team for putting in great effort and conducting such an amazing workshop. It was an honor to join this session and I will look forward to attending your training in the future as well.

Best of Luck.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature]

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Feedback Letter for Good Service

Good services are provided rarely these days by businesses and whenever you availed a good high-quality service, you should take a moment to appreciate it. You can do so by writing a formal feedback letter to appreciate such good service or services. You may write any such letter as is written and provided below.


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Recipient’s Company Name]


Subject: Feedback Letter for Good Service

Dear Mr./Mrs.[name of Recipient],

I am writing this letter to thank you for such an amazing customer support service provided by your company, [mention company name]. Yesterday, I was facing a problem in [state your problem] and I called your customer support center. I must say that they guided me the right way about registering the complaint and contacting the technician.

They promised that the complaint will be resolved within six hours and I was really surprised to see that happened actually. I must say that I am fully satisfied with your high-quality service. I hope it will remain the same as it is now.

Thanks a lot once again.


[Sender Name] [Sender Address] [Sender Signature]

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Feedback Letter for Insurance Policy Claim

This simple feedback letter can be requested by the insurance company so that your feedback letter can serve the purpose of a testimonial for them. You should mention why you liked the service of the insurance company and what is so special about it.


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Recipient’s Company Name]


Subject: Feedback Letter for Insurance Policy Claim

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am [name of the sender] and I hold an insurance policy from your Company, [name of company] bearing policy number [mention insurance policy number]. I am writing this letter to provide my opinion on the insurance policy claim.

The service your company provides is quite amazing and satisfactory. This letter is written in regard to the claim which was availed on [mention date] in the name of [mention name-bearing claim number]. I must say that the procedure was quite easy and customer-friendly.

I appreciate your support and thanks a lot once again.


[Sender Name] [Sender Contact Details] [Sender Signature]

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Feedback Letter to Boss/Head of Department

At business organizations, you have to write feedback letters every now and then, both within and outside the organization. As an employee, you may write a feedback letter to your boss or department head appreciating his/her performance. What it means is that it’s not something which is compulsory and must have to be done at any cost, but if someone is really working hard and putting in a lot of effort, then we should be appreciating him/her.

At offices, you can do so by writing a formal feedback letter for appreciation of your colleague, boss or head of department. Now the feedback can also be provided to the colleagues for any kind of bad performance but normally that can be done informally. Formally, it can only be done if the boss or superior allows himself/herself to do so.

So if you ever have to write such a feedback letter to your boss, make sure to check this sample format given below.


[Name of Department Head/Manager] [Company Name]


Subject: Feedback Letter to Appreciate the Efforts of Department Head/Manager

Respected Sir/Madam,

It gives me pleasure to write this letter on behalf of the [mention department name] department, to extend our thanking to Mr./Mrs.[mention Department Head/Manager name] for being our mentor and leader of our department. It’s your leadership qualities and motivation with which we have been to achieve our desired goals by the end of this financial year.

We appreciate your efforts behind our back while leading us from the front. Your motivational and organizational skills have always led us to achieve our financial targets and meet work deadlines.

Thanking you again in anticipation. It’s really an honor and pleasure for all the members of [mention department name] department to work with a competent person like you.

Best Regards,


[Sender Name] [Sender Designation] [Sender Signature]

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Basics of Writing a Feedback Letter

For different scenarios, the feedback letters are written and drafted differently. In this article, we have provided you the sample feedback letters for different situations that you can use. You can use and edit the main body or context of any of these samples for any other different situation as well. However, if you still want to know how to write a feedback letter, make sure to keep in mind the following important points:

  • While writing the feedback letter, you must make sure that you are writing or directing the letter to the right concerned person so that the letter can really be helpful to the recipient.
  • When asked or requested for the feedback or response, you must make sure to write a feedback letter within a reasonable time of such a request. Don’t forget to mention the date you are writing the letter.
  • You must clearly mention in the subject line of the feedback letter that for what purpose, you are actually providing the feedback i.e., the feedback is for a product or service or the feedback is for the training session that you recently attended.
  • As your feedback has quite a value for the organization, make sure you don’t mislead them in any way. Provide your honest opinion on the product or service of the organization.
  • Even when you want to criticize the recipient by writing a negative feedback letter, you must make sure that you do so professionally. Even in such a situation, the overall tone and languge of your feedback letter should be polite and courteous.
  • Keep your feedbacks simple, concise and to the point.
  • Do constructive criticizm and avoid unnecessary criticism just for the sake of criticizing the recipient.
  • The most important part of a feedback letter is suggestions and recommendations. Make sure to suggest or recommend the recipient about what they can do to improve their services.
  • At the end of the letter, don’t forget to offer the recipient to contact you for any queries.

Feedback Letter to Employee

Writing a feedback letter to the employee so as to praise or criticize his/her behavior or performance is very common in organizations. Normally, such a feedback letter is written by a manager or a department head. In any such letter, make sure you properly and clearly mention the reasons for which you are writing the feedback letter to the employee. If you are at any such position in an organization, make sure to check this sample letter provided below.

                                                                                                    [Sender Name]

                                                                                          [Sender Designation]

                                                                                                [Company Name] [Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Recipient’s Department Name]


Subject: Feedback Letter to Employee

Dear Mr./Mrs.[name of Recipient],

On behalf of the management of [mention Company Name], I would like to appreciate the efforts that you are putting in as [designation of recipient]. Your devotion and dedication to your work have improved the overall performance of your department as well as the organization as a whole.

I know that you have been facing a lot of work pressure for the last six months but you have always managed to handle this pressure and dealt easily with every difficult situation.

I hope that you will continue to perform like this play and go on to play a vital role in the overall growth and development of the organization as a whole. All the best to you in the future.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature]

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Feedback Letter to Hospital

If you ever happen to be at the hospital for treatment and you get a very cooperative and caring environment there, then you can thank the hospital’s management by providing them your response through a feedback letter. Have a look below at the free sample feedback letter written to the hospital for this purpose.


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Hospital Name]


Subject: Feedback Letter to Hospital

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am [name of patient] and I am writing this letter to provide my feedback for the services I recently received from your hospital, [mention hospital name]. I was undergoing [state the name of treatment] from [name of doctor/name of department].

I would like to appreciate your support and thank you for the special treatment that you provided me at your premises. The services and care provided by the nursing and other staff are simply admirable. Everyone was being very nice and kind to me including doctors, nurses and administrative staff.

By the grace of God and because of your care and support, I am quite well now and getting back to my normal life day by day. I will surely recommend your hospital to everyone for any treatments, for future references, because of the care and service you provide here.

Thanks a lot once again.


[Sender Name] [Sender Address] [Sender Contact Details]

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Feedback Letter to Hotel Management

Most of the time, hotel management requires your opinion or feedback regarding your stay at their hotel so that they know their areas of weakness that require improvement. In such situations, you can respond to their request by writing a feedback letter to the hotel management. As stated earlier, make sure to provide your honest opinion and feedback and don’t forget to mention your suggestions or recommendations, if any. Check out this sample format for a feedback letter to hotel management.


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Hotel Name]


Subject: Feedback Letter to Hotel Management

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter with great pleasure to inform you that I and my family enjoyed our stay a lot at your hotel, [hotel name]. The environment was quite friendly and the staff was very cooperative. The food, the room and the room services were a lot much better than we expected. However, I have a few suggestions for a bit of improvement that you can consider if you like:

[state the suggestions in points, if you have any or simply skip this part]

Thanks a lot once again and I assure you if we would ever visit [mention city or area of your visit, where the hotel is], it would be our great pleasure to be your guests again.

Best Regards,


[Sender Name] [Sender Contact Details]

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Feedback Letter to School

As a parent, you are often required by your children’s schools to provide your valuable feedback to them so that they take steps to make things better. Of course, you would want that your child to get the best possible education for him/her. So as a parent, it is your obligation to write feedback letters to school whenever they require your opinion.


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [School Name]


Subject: Feedback Letter to School

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter with great pleasure to thank you for a great educational institution for my son/daughter [mention name of son/daughter and class/group]. Yesterday, I attended the first parent-teacher meeting and I was quite delighted to see the awesome learning environment of the school. I hope such an environment will be a blessing for my child as I exactly wanted him/her to be a part of an educational institute like that.

I am grateful to inform you that I am quite satisfied with [name of child]’s education. The way every teacher is supportive and courteous is just amazing.

Thank you for everything with best regards.


[Sender Name] [Sender Address]

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Feedback Letter to Vendor

For different purposes, tasks or businesses, companies contact different vendors every now and then. When any such task or business is done, the vendor often demands feedback from the company. In such a situation, you can check this given below sample so as to understand how to write a feedback letter to a vendor.


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Recipient’s Company Name]


Subject: Feedback Letter to Vendor

Dear Sir/Madam,

As a [mention sender job title or position] of [mention company name], I am writing this letter to provide my feedback on [mention the job/service provided or business done with the vendor] carried out/done by [mention name of the vendor’s an organization/company] as on [mention date].

I must say that I really appreciate the high-quality services provided by you. The task was done quite perfectly and with proper professionalism. What made me more appreciative of your services is that you managed to perform the task even before the agreed time.

So, it’s a great honor and pleasure to work with you and we will be looking forward to more business with your company.

Thanking you in anticipation.


[Sender Name] [Sender Designation] [Sender Company Name] [Sender Contact Details]

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