40+ Daily Use Checklist Templates & Samples [in WORD & EXCEL]

Are you looking for ready-made checklists to manage and keep track of your daily chores? If so, then you are at the right spot. In this article, we have a collection of more than 40 daily use checklist templates and samples available for your use. All these templates and samples are available in editable formats that will make it easy for you to use any suitable template for your personal purposes. Scroll down to check out what is a checklist, what is its importance, how to prepare an effective checklist, and get the free checklist templates available here.

Download Checklist Templates in MS WORD Here

Construction Contract Checklist Template

File Size: 23 KB

Resume Writing Checklist Template

File Size: 797 KB

Sample Checklist for Inventory Audit

File Size: 04 KB

Weekly Checklist Word Template

File Size: 18 KB

Stylish Design Checklist Template

File Size: 17 KB

Basic Task List Checklist Example

File Size: 17 KB

Wedding Calendar Checklist Template in MS WORD

File Size: 02 MB

Fillable Event Planning Checklist Sample DOC

File Size: 05 KB

Generic Event Checklist Template MS WORD

File Size: 10 KB

Colorful Checklist Template in MS WORD

File Size: 13 KB

Wedding Timeline Checklist Template in MS WORD

File Size: 32 KB

Free Online Checklist Template for Holiday

File Size: 303 KB

Sample Checklist Template for Classroom Observation

File Size: 115 KB

What is a Checklist?

To put it simply, a checklist is a document that contains a list of tasks or chores to be performed. A checklist could be prepared for anything. A checklist keeps track of the tasks that have been performed and the tasks that are still required to be performed. With the help of a checklist, a person can easily remember what tasks or activities he/she has to perform in a day or in any given time period.

Almost all formats of a checklist allow one to mark the tasks as completed when they are finished. A checklist is also sometimes known as a to-do list or a task list. These are not only used to list down the tasks that are required to be done but are also used to list down the things that are required for a certain task. For instance, if you are planning a vacation, you might need vacations packing checklist, or if you are setting up a gym at home, you might need a gym equipment checklist sample.

Examples of a Checklist?

As mentioned earlier, a checklist can be prepared for various personal or professional purposes. It is a helpful document that can be prepared to note your tasks or any other important things in a properly organized way. Below are some common examples of checklists:

  • Project Completion Checklist
  • Traveling Checklist
  • Science Project Equipment Checklist
  • Holiday Packing Checklist
  • Itinerary Checklist
  • Wedding Checklist
  • Event Planning Checklist
  • Sale or Purchase Contract Checklist
  • Employee Checklist
  • Observation Checklist
  • Audit Checklist
  • Construction Project Checklist
  • Daily Household Chores Checklist
  • Books Checklist
  • Project Plan Checklist
  • Risk Assessment Checklist
  • Restaurant Checklist
  • Financial Plan Checklist
  • Camping Checklist
  • Back to School Checklist

There are many other types of checklists that you can find here on this page. Take a look at the checklist templates available here on this page. These checklist templates are available in Microsoft Word and Excel formats. This will make it a lot easier to customize the checklist templates and use them as per your requirements. So, make sure to scroll down and take a look at the free checklist templates and samples available here on this page.

More Checklist Templates in MS WORD

Official Checklist Template in DOC Format

File Size: 63 KB

Students Learning Checklist Template

File Size: 13 KB

Sample Checklist Format Printable

File Size: 57 KB

Detailed Camping Checklist Template

File Size: 44 KB

Vacations Packing Checklist Template Word

File Size: 696 KB

Sample Work From Home Checklist Template

File Size: 535 KB

Professional Checklist Format in MS WORD

File Size: 94 KB

Free Online Checklist Template

File Size: 17 KB

Financial Plan Checklist Example

File Size: 491 KB

Blank Checklist Template

File Size: 21 KB

Trending Weekly Checklist Template

File Size: 52 KB

Elegant Style Daily Checklist Template

File Size: 18 KB

Personal Tasks Checklist Example Word

File Size: 16 KB

Importance of Using a Checklist

You might be wondering what is the purpose of using a checklist or why it is important to use a checklist. As mentioned earlier, a checklist template allows one to create a useful list of tasks or chores or the list of important things involved in a process or an activity. It can also be taken as an activity log that keeps track of the essential tasks or things. One can simply list down the daily tasks and then check them off as and when such tasks are completed.

In the case of an organization, a manager can use an employee checklist to keep a check and perform an inspection of the employees. The below-listed benefits of a checklist will further indicate the purpose and importance of using a checklist:

  • Checklists help you organize the tasks or things in a proper systematic way.
  • One can easily prioritize his/her daily routine and daily chores.
  • By preparing a proper checklist, you can easily track the daily tasks and ensure that every important thing has been included in the checklist.
  • A checklist minimizes the errors and mistakes in performing daily tasks or activities.
  • Preparing a checklist allows you to stay consistent and honest with your work.
  • Preparing a list of things or tasks promotes effective management and handling of different activities or operations.
  • A checklist allows the proper supervision or monitoring of different individuals, activities, or processes.
  • Official checklists also allow one to analyze that the SOPs or protocols are followed.
  • Preparing the checklists also increases performance and efficiency.
  • Checklists are useful in case of repetitive tasks or processes.
  • Checklists help us achieve excellence and perfectionism.
  • In many cases, the checklists play an important part in saving lives. For instance, a checklist will be required while performing open-heart surgery or flying a plane.

GET Checklist Templates in EXCEL Below

Business Startup Checklist Template

File Size: 294 KB

Employee or Independent Contractor’s Checklist Template

File Size: 716 KB

Company’s Business Planning Checklist Template

File Size: 10 KB

Construction Project Startup Checklist Template

File Size: 295 KB

Vacation Items Checklist Template Excel

File Size: 273 KB

Basic Daily Checklist Template

File Size: 26 KB

Sample Daily Checklist Excel Sheet

File Size: 15 KB

Internal Audit Checklist Template

File Size: 54 KB

Useful Back to School Checklist Template

File Size: 66 KB

Inventory Equipment Checklist Template

File Size: 58 KB

Simple Daily Chore Checklist Template

File Size: 06 KB

Business Trip Checklist Template in XLSX Format

File Size: 44 KB

Restaurant Startup Checklist Template in MS EXCEL

File Size: 300 KB

Business Plan Checklist Template

File Size: 43 KB

Daily Checklist Challenge Sheet Sample

File Size: 83 KB

How to Make a Proper Checklist?

A proper checklist is one that includes each and every important detail or information in it. To prepare a checklist in no time, you can consider using the pre-formatted checklist templates and sample available here on this page. You can simply download and edit the contents of the checklist template of your choice so as to use it for your personal purposes.

However, if you want to know how to make a proper checklist from scratch, make sure to include the mentioned below details and contents in your checklist sample.

1- Title:

Give a proper name or title to your checklist so as to indicate the nature or type of the checklist.

2- Date or Period:

Mention the date on which the checklist is being prepared or the period for which such a checklist will be used.

3- Goals and Objectives:

Make sure to keep in mind the goals or objectives that you actually want to achieve with the help of a checklist. It is important to know what you actually want to accomplish by preparing and following any such list.

4- Space for Adding the Tasks and their Details:

This is the main part of a checklist sample. You must list down all the tasks that are required to be completed and the details of such tasks. However, providing such details is completely optional. In case of a process or activity, simply write the name of things that are required to complete any such process or activity.

5- Categories and Subcategories:

A checklist might also be divided into categories and subcategories depending upon the nature of the checklist.

6- Name of the Person(s):

Add the complete name of the person or persons who will use the checklist.

7- Task Prioritization or Preferences:

Write down the list of all the items or tasks and then organize them on the basis of urgency or priority. Make sure to perform such tasks on the basis of priority.

8- Task Status:

Make sure that your checklist sample has a column that clearly indicates or points out the status of each and every task i.e., whether a task has been completed or is still in process.

9- Remarks:

A task list or a checklist might also include a remarks section so that it can easily be assessed that how a particular task is performed. In some types of checklists, it is completely fine not to include the remarks section.

10- Instructions:

If necessary, some specific instructions for using a checklist might also be included in your checklist sample. Such instructions might also be attached separately to the checklist document.

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