13+ Sample Confirmation Letters

As the name suggests, the confirmation letters are those letters that are written so as to verify or confirm something that was previously asked or requested to be confirmed. The format and style of writing a confirmation letter depend on what is being asked to be confirmed. For example, a confirmation letter can be required in order to verify that a certain amount is made to a particular person or an organization, or a confirmation letter may be required when a person is hired for the employment of a company. These sample confirmation letters can be downloaded and viewed at this page.

Similarly, there are many other instances and situations where a confirmation letter can be required to be written. A confirmation letter is used in professional as well as personal life. For instance, you may have to write a confirmation letter to your friend or some relative for the purpose of confirming or verifying something. In such a case, the letter can be written in a casual or informal way. Whereas, if a confirmation letter is required to be written for some business purposes, then the letter should be crafted in a proper professional and formal way.

In this article, you can find 13+ different scenarios along with the sample confirmation letters for each scenario or situation. Check out these free to download and editable sample confirmation letters given below. You can use any of these samples and edit them according to your requirement if you have to write a confirmation letter in any situation other than those mentioned below.

Here are FREE Sample Confirmation Letters

Salary Confirmation Letter

This type of confirmation letter is usually demanded by banks or any other financial institutions when an employee of a company applies for a loan. If any such letter is demanded, the employee shall request his/her employer to provide him/her with a salary confirmation letter so that he/she could present that letter to the bank so as to get the loan. As an employer, you may have to write any such letter so check out the sample given below.


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Name of the Recipient’s Organization]


Subject: Salary Confirmation Letter

Respected Sir/Madam,

Being [mention Designation of Sender] of [mention Company name], I am writing this letter to confirm that Mr./Mrs. [name of the employee for which the salary confirmation letter is written] has been working with our organization as [mention designation of the employee] since [mention year or months since the employee is working for the organization].

His current pay is [mention current salary of the employee both in words and figures] per month. This salary is effective from [mention date]. The salary certificate, attached along with this letter, has been issued at his/her request.

For any queries, you can contact me through the given below details.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Designation] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 15 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Order Confirmation Letter

As the name suggests, this confirmation letter is usually written when someone places an order to your business. Whether the order is placed by an individual customer or it is placed by a client organization (that usually places orders in bulk), you should write them an order confirmation letter as given below.


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Company Name]


Subject: Order Confirmation Letter

Dear Mr./Mrs. [name of Recipient],

This is to inform you that your order for the product [name of the product] that you placed on [mention date]  through your order letter is confirmed. It will be delivered to you as per our terms and agreement.

Let me repeat that your original order included:

[mention the details of the order]

For further queries and details, feel free to contact me.

Sincerely Yours,

[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Designation] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 15 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Loan Approval Confirmation Letter

If a person or an organization applies for a loan and the loan request is approved, then being the manager or head of the branch of a bank or any other financial institution, you should write them a confirmation letter. If you hold any such position in an organization, then make sure to check out this example confirmation letter mentioned below.


[Name of Recipient] [Address of Recipient]


Subject: Loan Approval Confirmation Letter

Dear Mr./Mrs. [name of Recipient],

I am writing this letter to confirm that your request for the loan, as submitted by you on [mention date of request], of amount, [mention amount of loan] has been successfully approved. The terms and conditions of this loan will remain unchanged. With this confirmation letter, I have also attached [mention the document or documents that you have attached with the letter] so please make sure to check them.

I hope so that you will be able to repay the loan on or before the given period and it will be a pleasure doing business with you.

For any further inquiries, make sure to contact me through the given below contact details.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Designation] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 15 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Job/Employment Confirmation Letter

This is one of the most common types of confirmation letter that is usually written when a person applies for a job and is hired or when a person has completed his/her internship program with your company and then you hire the same person for the job. With a simple format and wording, you can write this letter to congratulate and confirm a person’s employment at your company.


[Name of Recipient] [Address of Recipient]


Subject: Job/Employment Confirmation Letter

Dear Mr./Mrs.[name of Recipient],

In reference to your excellent performance during the probation period from [mention start date] to [mention end date], I am writing this letter with great pleasure to inform you that you are hired as [job position or designation of the recipient] of the [mention Company Name].

This letter is the official confirmation of your employment and I officially welcome you to our team. The terms and conditions of this employment will remain the same as mentioned in your appointment letter.

Looking forward to working with you.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Designation]

File Size: 15 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Confirmation Letter to Friend for the Gift

This type of confirmation letter can be written in a more casual and informal way. In the sample letter given below, the confirmation letter is written to verify that you have received the gift that your friend sent to you. You can use this sample confirmation letter and with a slight change in wording, you can write such a letter for any other situation and according to your requirement.


[Name of Recipient] [Address of Recipient]


Subject: Confirmation Letter to Friend for the Gift

Dear [name of Recipient],

Thanks a lot for the gift that you sent me. I am so happy and grateful to you and I am writing this letter to confirm that yesterday, I got that beautiful gift that you sent me for my birthday. This gift is as special as you are and it’s such a blessing to have a friend like you.

Thanks a lot once again my dear friend. Always stay blessed and stay happy forever.

Sincerely Yours,

[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Address]

File Size: 15 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Confirmation Letter to Creditor for Outstanding Payable Amount

In day-to-day business, the companies or any other organizations can request their creditors or payables to confirm the outstanding amount that is due to be paid by them to the company. In response to any such requests, the creditors or payables shall have to write a confirmation letter just like the one mentioned below.


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Recipient’s Company Name]


Subject: Confirmation Letter to Creditor for Outstanding Payable Amount

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter in response to your request for the confirmation of the outstanding payable amount that is due to be paid to your company [mention name of the recipient’s company]. Please note that as of [mention date], the amount that is due to be paid is [mention amount].

Kindly make sure to tally this amount with your records and confirm whether the payable amount is the same or if there is any difference. For further queries or discussions, feel free to contact me through the given below contact details.

Best Regards.

Sincerely Yours,

[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Designation] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 15 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Confirmation Letter for the Delivered Order

As a customer, many companies may require you to provide your confirmation to them when you receive your order or package. You may confirm the fact that the order is delivered to you on time and without any problem, by writing a confirmation letter as shown below.


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Company Name]


Subject: Confirmation Letter for the Delivered Order

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter so as to confirm that my order for the product, [mention product name and other details] has been delivered to. The order was delivered to me yesterday and it was completely fine. The product and all of its accessories were genuine and were of the same quality as shown on your company’s website.

I want to thank you to deliver the product on time. I will be looking forward to more purchases in the future.

Sincerely Yours,

[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Address] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 15 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Confirmation Letter for Payment

Whenever you make a payment either in cash, by check, or through any other financial instrument, then to be on a safer side, you should immediately write a confirmation letter to the person to whom you made the payment. This will serve as a piece of evidence that you have indeed transferred the payment, in case if there occurs any problem afterward.


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Recipient’s Company Name]


Subject: Confirmation Letter for Payment

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter in response to your request for confirmation of the payment. Yesterday, as on [mention the date], I transferred an amount of [mention amount] in your company’s account number [mention the account number] via check number [mention check number].

I hope so that the amount will be transferred to your account within 2 to 3 working days. For further queries feel free to contact me.

Sincerely Yours,

[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Designation] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 15 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Confirmation Letter for Meeting

If you are someone’s personal assistant or secretary, then along with other responsibilities, you may have to make appointments and arrange meetings for your boss. Whenever you arrange some special or important meeting, you should confirm to your boss about that meeting immediately by writing a confirmation letter. Yes, you can do so verbally too, but writing a confirmation letter is good for record purposes.


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient]


Subject: Confirmation Letter for Meeting

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to confirm that your meeting with the finance director of [mention Company/Organization], Mr./Mrs. [mention name of the person with whom the meeting is held] has been confirmed as on [mention day and date] at [mention time]. As per your requirement and with the agreement of Mr./Mrs. [mention name of the person with whom the meeting is held], the meeting will be held at [mention the place or venue of the meeting].

For further queries, make sure to contact me.

Best Regards.

Sincerely Yours,

[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Designation] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 15 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Confirmation Letter for Job Interview

Such a letter is written to a candidate shortlisted for an interview, by a member of the HR department of an organization. In this type of confirmation letter, in addition to confirming the fact that the candidate is selected for an interview, you should also mention the day, date and time of the interview, along with all other necessary details. Check out the sample confirmation letter for a job interview to understand how it is written.


[Name of Recipient] [Address of Recipient]


Subject: Confirmation Letter for Job Interview

Dear Mr./Mrs.[name of Recipient],

This is to inform you that your interview for the job post of [mention job post/title] is confirmed on [mention day, date, and time]. This interview will be conducted by our recruitment board that consists of [mention number of members on the recruitment board].

I would like to tell you that the duration of this interview can be anywhere from 50 to 60 minutes. Make sure to be on time and don’t forget to bring your relevant documents and credentials with you.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Designation]

File Size: 15 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Confirmation Letter for Internship

Just like a job confirmation letter, this type of letter is written so as to confirm the fact that the recipient of the letter is selected for the internship program of an organization. Check the given below sample confirmation letter for more clear understanding.


[Name of Recipient] [Address of Recipient]


Subject: Confirmation Letter for Internship

Dear Mr./Mrs.[name of Recipient],

This is to confirm that you have been hired for the internship program of [mention Company name]. This internship will be effective from [mention date of start of internship]. The total duration of this internship program will be [mention the duration of the internship].

I hope that this internship program will prove to be a great learning experience for you and you will learn the necessary skills that will be of great help to you in your professional life.

For any queries, you can contact me through the given below contact details. Looking forward to working with you.


[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Designation] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 15 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Confirmation Letter for Employee’s Resignation

Once an employee resigns from the company by presenting his/her resignation letter officially, then as the manager or head of a department, you should immediately write a confirmation letter so as to verify the employee’s resignation for record purposes. In such a letter, you must mention the last date of the employee in the organization and you should instruct them to settle their accounts with the organization on or before the last date of employment. In this letter, you can also bid farewell to the employee to whom you are writing such a letter and wish him/her the best of luck in the future.


[Name of Recipient] [Address of Recipient]


Subject: Confirmation Letter for Employee’s Resignation

Dear Mr./Mrs.[name of Recipient],

I am writing this letter to officially confirm the receipt and acceptance of your resignation from the job position of [mention job title/position], received as on [mention date]. Your resignation will take effect from [mention last day of work] and your salary will be paid to you till the last date of your employment.

It will be highly appreciated if you will return the company’s properties that are currently in your possession and settle your accounts with the organization till the above-mentioned last date of your employment.

It was a pleasure to work with you and your dedication and devotion to your work will always be appreciated. Exit interviews are optional through which you can provide us with your valuable feedback regarding your employment experience with the organization.

I wish you the best of luck in the future.

Sincerely Yours,

[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Designation]

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Confirmation Letter for Balance Confirmation by Bank

This type of confirmation letter is also written on daily basis by banks. Whether an organization or an individual requests to confirm his/her account balance, the bank must verify their bank balance by writing a confirmation letter as provided below.


[Name of Recipient] [Address of Recipient]


Subject: Confirmation Letter for Balance Confirmation by Bank

Dear Mr./Mrs. [name of Recipient],

I am writing this letter in response to your request for confirmation of your bank balance for the account title, [mention account title] bearing the account number [mention the account number]. The total balance in your account as on [mention date] is [mention amount].

Please make sure to find the attached bank statement with this letter. For further queries feel free to contact me.

Best regards.

Sincerely Yours,

[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Designation] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 15 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Confirmation Letter for Audit Completion

When a yearly audit is completed by the audit team of an audit firm, the audit manager can write a confirmation letter for the completion of audit work to the company. This is for the purpose of keeping the record and to verify that the audit has been duly performed by the audit team. Check this given below sample confirmation letter for better understanding.


[Name of Recipient] [Designation of Recipient] [Recipient’s Company Name]


Subject: Confirmation Letter for Audit Completion

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to confirm that the audit of [mention company name] for the year [mention the year] has been completed by the audit team of [mention the name of Auditing Firm]. We have performed all the necessary audit reviews and procedures and the staff of the organization was very cooperative with us and assisted us in completing our audit job.

The final audit report will be completed by [mention date]. For further details or queries, feel free to contact us.

Best Regards.

Sincerely Yours,

[Sender Name] [Sender Signature] [Sender Designation] [Sender Contact Details]

File Size: 15 KB

File Type: MS WORD

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