10+ Sample Apology Letters to Boss/Employer

We all make mistakes in our personal as well as professional life. Sometimes such mistakes are big and sometimes they are small. Making a mistake is not a problem whereas sticking to that mistake and bigotry is a big problem. If you don’t apologize for your mistakes and don’t show any intention to rectify them, things will get worse. So, at workplaces, whenever any such mistakes happen, simply apologize by writing an apology letter to the boss/employer.

At the workplace, an apology letter can even be written to any colleague or a junior too but in this article, we will just focus on writing an apology letter to the boss/employer. In daily work routines, mistakes are part of life and they do happen, and being human, can be done by anyone. As an employee of an organization, you can even be scolded or warned for some mistakes you do and in such situations, the best thing to do is to simply write an apology letter to your boss/employer.

An apology letter can be written to the boss/employer in many different situations and in this article, we have provided you with 10+ sample apology letters that can be written to bosses or employers in different cases. All of these sample apology letters are completely free to download and editable. If you have to write an apology letter to your boss in any other scenario than those provided below, you can use these sample letters and customize them according to your requirements.

FREE Sample Apology Letters to Boss/Employer

Sample Apology Letter to Boss

This is a simple format of an apology letter to a boss or employer that you can write as an employee. Simply seek the apology sincerely and state why you are seeking the apology and how will you manage to rectify your mistake or mistakes. Check out the given below sample apology letter.


[Name of Employer/Superior] [Designation of Employer/Superior i.e., Manager or Director]


Subject: Sample Apology Letter

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to sincerely apologize to you for [mention your mistake i.e., what you did for which you are apologizing]. I understand that what I did was completely wrong and unprofessional. This is the least that you and my colleagues here at [mention Organization Name] expect from me.

Though it is impossible to change what happened now I have decided to [mention necessary actions you take] so as to rectify my mistakes. Having that said, I can assure you that it will not ever happen again.

Once again I sincerely apologize to you and I hope that you will accept my apologies and will provide me a chance to fix my mistakes.

Yours Sincerely,

[Sender Name] [Sender Designation]

File Size: 15 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Apology Letter to Boss for Surfing Internet during Office Hours

Nowadays, surfing the internet and browsing through social media is quite common. Whenever someone finds some spare time, he/she spends it surfing the internet. Whereas in many organizations, doing so is strictly prohibited especially during office hours. However, if you get caught by your boss doing so, simply write an apology letter as mentioned below.


[Name of Employer/Superior] [Designation of Employer/Superior i.e., Manager or Director]


Subject: Apology Letter to Boss for Surfing Internet during Office Hours

Respected Sir/Madam,

I would like to sincerely apologize for my conduct that last week when you visited my cabin, I was browsing through the internet. When you entered the cabin and watched me surfing my social media, you scolded me and I really felt ashamed. I know I must not have done any such thing but I would just like to mention that at that time, I already completed my work for the day and got some free time.

I know this can’t be an excuse to such unprofessional behavior as doing so during office hours is strictly prohibited. So, that’s why I would like to sincerely apologize to you and I hope that you will provide me a second chance to behave as the same will never happen again.

Please accept my sincerest apologies.

Yours Truly,

[Sender Name] [Sender Designation]

File Size: 16 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Apology Letter to Boss for Smoking at the Workplace

Smoking is strictly prohibited in public places and especially at workplaces. Doing so at your workplace is something that is unprofessional and disturbing. If your employer gets angry at you with this conduct of yours, make sure to write an apology letter to him/her and make sure to never repeat such a mistake. Check out this sample apology letter written for such a situation.


[Name of Employer/Superior] [Designation of Employer/Superior i.e., Manager or Director]


Subject: Apology Letter to Boss for Smoking at the Workplace

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter with deep regret as I feel ashamed that yesterday, you caught me smoking in my cabin. I know that it is strictly prohibited to smoke at the workplace and still I did it. I truly feel guilty and ashamed of my conduct and therefore, I seek an apology from you.

I hope that you will forgive me and will give me a second chance to correct my behavior. I assure you that any such thing will never ever happen again.

Please accept my sincerest apologies.

Yours Truly,

[Sender Name] [Sender Designation]

File Size: 16 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Apology Letter to Boss for Quitting the Job

The professional way of leaving a job is to give at least one month’s notice to the employer prior to quitting. However, if due to some reason, you had to leave the job without any such notice, then make sure to write an apology letter like the one mentioned below.


[Name of Employer/Superior] [Designation of Employer/Superior i.e., Manager or Director]


Subject: Apology Letter to Boss for Quitting the Job

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to you to apologize as I had to quit my job as [mention your job title/position] without informing you. I know I had to provide a month’s notice before leaving the job but due to the following circumstances, I could not be able do that.

[stat the reason or reasons for which you could not be able to notify your boss about leaving or quitting the job]

I would truly like to thank you and the organization as it was an honor for me to work with such great colleagues like yourself. Your guidance and mentorship will always be respected and regarded.

I hope that you will understand my situation and will accept my apology.

Yours Truly,

[Sender Name] [Sender Designation]

File Size: 16 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Apology Letter to Boss for Poor Performance

Sometimes, due to some personal or professional reasons, you can not be able to perform as expected from you by your boss or senior, you can let him/her know about that by writing an apology letter to him/her. Make sure to let your boss know the reasons for your bad performance at work and show them your determination to perform better in the future. For that purpose, you can use the sample letter given below.


[Name of Employer/Superior] [Designation of Employer/Superior i.e., Manager or Director]


Subject: Apology Letter to Boss for Poor Performance

Respected Sir/Madam,

I would like to sincerely apologize for my poor performance in the last few days. Let me clarify that due to some personal problems, I am not being able to concentrate on my work properly. That is why I have not been able to meet my goals and show excellent performance as expected from me.

I know this can’t be an excuse for my bad performance but I hope that you will believe me and will provide me a chance to prove myself again.

Once again, I apologize for my conduct and I hope that you will forgive me.

Yours Truly,

[Sender Name] [Sender Designation]

File Size: 15 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Apology Letter to Boss for not Achieving the Target

In such an apology letter, sincerely apologize to your boss for not achieving the set target, clearly state the reasons for which you could not be able to achieve the set target, and what assistance or guidance you would be requiring from your employer.


[Name of Employer/Superior] [Designation of Employer/Superior i.e., Manager or Director]


Subject: Apology Letter to Boss for not Achieving the Target

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter with deep regret as I could not achieve the set sales target for this month which was [state the set target]. I sincerely apologize to you as you counted on me and I could not achieve the target.

I would like to tell you that with my assistant quitting the job in the middle of the month without any notice, I was burdened with a lot of work. Due to lack of interest by the HR department, no person could be hired so I had to face a lot of work pressure this month. For this reason, I could not achieve the monthly sales target.

I hope that you will understand my position and provide me with an opportunity to prove myself in the next month.

Please accept my sincerest apologies.

Yours Truly,

[Sender Name] [Sender Designation]

File Size: 16 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Apology Letter to Boss for Misbehavior

At workplaces, mishaps and misbehaviors do happen. Sometimes the colleagues fight with each other and take such actions which they regret later. Any such thing, if gets worse, ruins the reputation of the organization. So, if anything like that happens, it is a good gesture that you should write an apology letter to the boss for misbehavior on your part, even if you are not 100 percent guilty. Check this sample apology letter for better understanding.


[Name of Employer/Superior] [Designation of Employer/Superior i.e., Manager or Director]


Subject: Apology Letter to Boss for Misbehavior

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter with deep regret and to sincerely apologize to you for what has happened at [mention date]. You already know the details of the event and can assess the situation that it was not completely my fault. But still, I think that my reaction was not appropriate either and my behavior was quite rude and unprofessional.

So, still from my side, I truly apologize to you and all my other colleagues of mine for what happened. I know that I can’t change what has happened but the least I could do is to apologize to everyone.

I hope that you will accept my sincere apology and will definitely forgive me. I can assure you that such misbehavior will never be conducted again from my side.

Yours Truly,

[Sender Name] [Sender Designation]

File Size: 16 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Apology Letter to Boss for Late Coming

Your boss or superior gets most angry at your late coming, especially on the day when there was something very important to be done like a staff meeting. So, it is the best option for you to simply write an apology letter in such a situation like the one written below.


[Name of Employer/Superior] [Designation of Employer/Superior i.e., Manager or Director]


Subject: Apology Letter to Boss for Late Coming

Respected Sir/Madam,

Please accept my sincerest apology for coming late to the office as of [mention date]. I know you already warned me twice but you know that I had to take public transport in order to reach the office and as of the mentioned date, a huge traffic jam incurred due to which I got late from the work.

I know it is very unprofessional behavior and I admit my fault. I know that due to my late coming, I missed the very important meeting of [mention the meeting] that was to be held on that day.

Once again I truly apologize for my unprofessional behavior and I assure you it will not happen again. I hope that you will understand my situation and will provide me with a chance to correct my mistake.

Yours Sincerely,

[Sender Name] [Sender Designation]

File Size: 15 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Apology Letter to Boss for Forgetting Something Important

Due to work pressure and workload, it happens that you often forget something very important that your boss told you to do. If you face any such situation and your boss gets angry, make sure to draft an apology letter to your boss asking for forgiveness and how you plan to rectify the impact of your mistake. Make sure to take a look at the given below sample apology letter written for any such situation.


[Name of Employer/Superior] [Designation of Employer/Superior i.e., Manager or Director]


Subject: Apology Letter to Boss for Forgetting Something Important

Respected Sir/Madam,

I would like to sincerely apologize that I completely forgot to circulate the notice of staff meeting to be held at [mention date and time]. On [mention day and date], you instructed me to circulate the notice of staff meeting, but due to some other administrative responsibilities and workload, I forgot to do that.

I hope so that you will accept my apology and will provide me a chance to correct my mistake, as anything like that never happened before. Having said that, I assure you that anything like that will never happen again.

Yours Truly,

[Sender Name] [Sender Designation]

File Size: 16 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Apology Letter to Boss for Absence without Notice

When you are absent from the work without informing anyone, you are likely to be get warned or even scolded by your employer for such behavior. Emergencies can be faced by anyone at any time, but in such situations, you must make sure to inform your employer if you are going to be absent from the work. However, if you failed to do so, make sure to write a proper apology letter to your employer like the one provided below.


[Name of Employer/Superior] [Designation of Employer/Superior i.e., Manager or Director]


Subject: Apology Letter to Boss for Absence without Notice

Respected Sir/Madam,

Please accept my sincerest apology for being absent as of [mention date]. I know I could not even notify you about my sudden absence. The reason(s) for my absence was [state the reason(s) for your absence].

I know it is very unprofessional behavior and I admit my fault. I know that due to my absence, I missed the very important meeting of [mention the meeting] that was to be held that day.

I, truly am, ashamed of my conduct but I hope that you will understand my situation and will provide me a chance to correct my mistake.

I assure you that the same will not happen again. Once again, please accept my apology.

Yours Truly,

[Sender Name] [Sender Designation]

File Size: 16 KB

File Type: MS WORD

Apology Letter to Boss for a Major Mistake/Error

As an employee, you may have made a major mistake or error during your work. In such a situation clearly tell your employer about any such mistake or error, be brave to take full responsibility, and assure your boss that any such mistake or error will not happen again. Make sure to take a look at this draft apology letter written for such a situation.


[Name of Employer/Superior] [Designation of Employer/Superior i.e., Manager or Director]


Subject: Apology Letter to Boss for a major Mistake/Error

Respected Sir/Madam,

I would like to sincerely apologize for the mistake I did last week. I would like to clarify that the mistake was completely unintentional. You ordered me to deliver the client report within 3 days but due to some misunderstanding, I delivered you the wrong report i.e., the creditor report.

I hope so that you can realize that this mistake was genuinely unintentional as the same had never happened before. I am truly sorry for my misconduct and I hope that you will provide me with an opportunity to rectify my mistake.

Please forgive me.

Yours Truly,

[Sender Name] [Sender Designation]

File Size: 16 KB

File Type: MS WORD

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